Sunday 8 April 2018

Easy to Remember Antiparkinsonism Drugs Mechanism's With Mnemonics.

Lets start with 2 things first, what is Parkinson disease and there drug classification:

Parkinson is characterized by tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia (slowness of movement) and the loss of postural reflexes.

In idiopathic Parkinson, there is degeneration of the dopamine containing neurons in the substantia nigra, resulting in dopamine deficiency. Hence, the balance between inhibitory dopaminergic neurons and excitory cholinergic neurons is disturbed resulting in relative cholinergic overactivity.

Drugs which influence brain dopaminergic system according to there classification:

  1. Dopamine precursor: Levodopa
  2. Dopamine agonist: Bromocriptine, Pramipexole, Rotigotine, Ropinirole
  3. N-methyl-D-asparte (NMDA) receptor antagonist: Amantadine
  4. MOA-B: inhibitors: Selegiline(deprenyl), rasagiline
  5. COMT inhibitors: Tolcapone, Entacapone.

The main aim of the drug therapy in Parkinsonism is to either enhance dopamine activity or reduce cholinergic activity in the striatum.

Antiparkinsonism Drugs Mechanism's Mnemonics

We'll be learning about drugs that are used in Parkinson's disease, by pairing their mecanism of action with there name.
A perfect Antiparkinson drug mnemonics.

Drugs and their mechanisms are hard to remember because they are soo many. Lets simplify it.

1. Be SELective about CAPs and COMbs.

  • Selegiline is a selective MAO-B inhibitor.
  • Entcapone and Tolcapone are COMT inhibitors.

2. Entcapone can't enter the CNS. Inhibits only peripheral COMT.

  • Tolcapone prevents L-dopa degradation in the brain as well as the periphery.

3. Pex got pin for the dopamine receptor.

  • Pramipexole, Rotigotine & Ropinirole are dopamine receptor agonists.

4. "Bro er.. Go to dopamine receptor"
Bromocriptine and Pergolide are ergot derivatives that act directly on the dopamine receptors.

5. Tolcapone crosses BBB and is toxic to liver.

  • Tol = tall (can reach brain)
  • toL = L ( liver toxicity)

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This Antiparkinson Mnemonics where first  published in Medicowesome.


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