Saturday 5 May 2018

Digitalis Mnemonic: Adverse Reactions Of Cardiac Glycosides

Cardiac Glycosides (Digitoxin and Digoxin) are class of organic compounds that increase the output force of the heart and decrease its rate of contractions.  They're Clinical used for the  treatments of congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias; however, their relative toxicity prevents them from being widely used.
Digitalis Mnemonics by MedicosIdeas

  • Metabolized by the liver.
  • Large volume of distribution because it binds to extravascular proteins
  • Eliminated in the urine.
  • Faster onset of action.

Mechanism Of Action: Digitalis

Inhibit the Na/K-ATPase pump, therefore slowing down the repolarization of myocytes following action potentials. This results in prolonged action potential and increased force of contraction since high calcium levels within the cell are prolonged.

Adverse effects of Digitalis ( Digitalis toxicity ) Mnemonics.

1. CNS adverse effects : Mnemonic is CNS. 

C - CTZ stimulation / Confusion
N - Neuralgia and Paraesthesia
S - Sleepiness ( drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue etc ) / Sensory perceptions ( hallucinations )

2. Visual effects : Mnemonic is DiGiTaLiS.

D - Decreased visual acuity
G - Greenish Yellow halos around lights ( xanthopsia )
T - Transient amblyopia/ scotomata
L - Light sensitivity ( increased )
S - Snowy vision.

3. Gastrointestinal symptoms : Mnemonic is DG.

D - Diarrhoea
G - Gastric irritation ( cramps, N/V, failure to thrive, etc )

4. Cardiac symptoms : Mnemonic is 3D's and 3S's.

D - Dyspnea
D - Decreased heart function ( hypotension, bradycardia, irregular pulse )
D - Dysrhythmia 
S - Syncope
S - Swelling of lower extremities
S - ST segment depression ( "reverse tick" sign )

This mnemonics reference was taken from medicosesome blog.
Hope, this article will help you. Until then keep sharing Medicos Ideas.
Happy studying!


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